Invisible Friend Pack - Bronze 3 Products

  • Brand: Risque
  • Availability: Unavailable

The Pack Invisible Friend - Bronze 3 Products contais:
  • Risqué - Orchid Oil Base 8ml
  • Risqué - 7 Deadly Sins Collection Nail Polish Possessao Rosa 8ml
  • Manicure - Polishing Brick
    **The Pack comes already packaged and ready to gift.
  1. Use the Polishing Brick to smooth the natural imperfections of the nails and provide shine to its surface.
  2. Apply one layer of the base to protect the nail.
  3. Shake the nail polish before using it. Apply two layers on the nails and leave to dry.
A perfect manicure, stylish and fashionable with a winter dark red tone.