Ultrasonic Sprayer Export Cosmetics for Nanokeratinization
Cold Sprayed TreatmentsOnly way to reach the inside of hair
Online sale is forbidden. Only sold to accredited professionals
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- Reference: 7896615145211
- Brand: Export Cosmetics
- Availability: Not Available Online

Why use the Ultrasonic Sprayer in your Salon?
- Easy, practical, and convenient system
- Does not use heat for application: it is cold
- Transforms liquid assets into gas nanomolecules
- Used with ampoules K of keratin for Nanokeratinization, cauterization and reconstruction
- And with ampoules H of hyaluronic acid Hyaluroplasty, hydration, softness and shine
- Impeccable, healthy, and extra bright hair
- Online sale is forbidden and it is not sold in department stores or retail chains
- The Export Home Care line is only sold in salons (not in stores or distributors )
- Differentiate yourself: offer the best tool on the market for hair reconstruction in your Salon

More information about the treatment:
- Action: Air compressor that through the vibration of the liquid of the ampoule, causes the molecules of the treatment to evaporate in a mist of nano particles, able to penetrate into the deeper layer of the hair fiber. Human keratin nanoparticles are 100% compatible with hair, making their adhesion much more effective. Rebuilds the hair fiber from the inside and also the outer parts, eliminates frizz by sealing cuticles, strengthens and provides a spectacular shine.Thanks to the fan brush that contains the device, this treatment is able to penetrate into the hair fiber with much more depth and effectiveness than any treatment, returning the hydration and natural nutrition of the hair.
- Maintenance:To prolong the effects it is recommended to use the Export Home Care linefor home care
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